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Home » Stacore » Equipment Footer » Equipment Platform » Equipment Racks » Pneumatic Platform
Stacore  Poland
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Anti-Vibration Platform
$3,850 / $4,180
Product Features:

$3,850 Roller w/standard bearings
$4,180 Roller w/cryo-max bearings

STACORE ROLLER - An intermediate anti-vibration platform, close in its performance to our bigger models.

This model features roller bearing as the main decoupling element. The top plate floats on three roller bearings. The massive base houses the bearing cups. The top plate and the bearings are the same as in our top model - STACORE ADVANCED.

The heart of the platform - the roller bearings - are our in-house design, made of a deep hardened and mirror polished stainless steel. They are available in two versions: Standard and cryogenically treated (Cryo-Max) for improved performance.

The bearing balls are made of tungsten carbide. Our bearings are unique on the market due to their very high hardness, resulting in a high sensitivity to micro-vibrations. Thanks to that STACORE ROLLER platform offers an outstanding isolation performance in the horizontal plane down to few Hz.

However, roller bearings are not easy to implement properly and require great attention to what they are housed in. Here we use our landmark solution, well proven in our other models. Both the base and the top plate have a sandwich construction, made of a natural stone - top quality Italian slate, and metal plates, bonded by a special viscoelastic glue. This results in an inert construction with great damping characteristics thanks to the Constrained Layer Damping (CLD) mechanism, giving the bearings the right environment to work their best.  The high mass of the platform also works as another natural damping mechanism. The sonic improvement offered by STACORE ROLLER is way ahead of that of INTRO with much better bass action and comes close to our higher models:

A highly improved resolution, allowing you to hear your system at its best. Just like all our products, STACORE ROLLER is hand crafted in Poland to the highest aesthetical standards.

Following our modular philosophy, STACORE ROLLER platform can be either put flat, equipped with 3 or 4 spikes allowing for leveling, or incorporated into the Stacore Rack System.


Cryo-Max Bearings - an upgraded version of our highly successful roller bearings, found so far in our top of the line Stacore Advanced platform. New bearings feature a different stainless-steel composition and are deep hardened in a cryogenic process. Both the upper racing and the bearing cup. Cryogenic treatment is performed in liquid nitrogen, instantly freezing the steel to the temperature of almost -300F (-150C). This facilitates a buildup of a hard-crystalline structure, which results in improvement of virtually all bearing parameters.

Cryo-Max bearings are harder and stronger, allowing for max load of 176 lbs. vs 143 lbs. of our standard bearings. At the same time the improved crystalline structure gives them more elasticity, resulting in a better, more precise handling of micro-vibrations. This translates into an improved sonic performance as more of the unwanted vibrations are isolated from the audio equipment.

Finally, Cryo-Max bearings are more resistant to wear and tear, securing top notch performance for many years even under the heaviest loads. New bearings can be ordered with both Stacore Advanced and Stacore Roller platforms.

Due to the construction of our platforms, it is impossible to upgrade standard bearings to Cryo-Max bearings and the bearing type must be specified when ordering.

Product Specifications:

- 22.8” x 18.9” x 2.6” (WxDxH)
- Height adjustable with floor spikes

141 lbs.

Max load
132 lbs. [standard bearings]
176 lbs. [Cryo-Max bearings]

* Both larger and smaller custom sizes available on a special request.

Brand News:
STACORE Introduces The Roller Platform, November 2020
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Stacore High End Vibration Control, May 2019
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