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SS-1 Module
Component Support
$395 per module
Product Features:

Welcome to SS-1
A modular component support ecosystem that drains equipment vibrations, and focusses stray magnetic fields.

Get more from your audio system with Support System One {SS-1}

The SS-1 module is at the heart of the whole eco-system. With components derived from machined stainless steel, laser sintered glass nylon and a ceramic core, SS-1 is built to last a lifetime.

By contacting the underside of your components, SS-1 drains parasitic vibrations into its ceramic core, ensuring your equipment performs to its maximum sonic potential.

For use under Preamps, DAC’s, Power supplies, Turntables, Servers, Rack systems and Speakers, to change your system’s sound to best suit your preferences. Compatible with a range of adapters and accessories to adapt to your changing system.

Advance performance without upgrading
SS-1 will release the full sonic potential of your components.

Product Specifications:

- machined stainless steel
- laser sintered glass nylon
- ceramic core

Unlock your system’s full potential
- gimbal action for perfect contact with your electronics
- internal ceramic system drains micro vibrations
- position under critical components for the greatest effect
- ferrous stainless-steel focusses stray magnetic fields
- eliminating magnetic cross-talk and draining parasitic vibrations

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