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Wilson Benesch P1 Collection (RMAF Show)

After a long absence from the USA High End Audio Exhibition circuit, Wilson Benesch are thrilled to post Round 7 of the P1 Collection Tour, which sees the A.C.T. One Evolution P1 loudspeaker roar into the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest courtesy of new importer Aaudio Imports.

In celebration of this dazzling return to US shores and drawing a direct line to Aaudio Imports branding, Wilson Benesch collaborated with our new import partner and Hypetex to create a new 'Ettore' Blue finish for the A.C.T. One Evolution P1. The 'Ettore' name given to the stunning new finish is a historical reference to Ettore Bugatti, the Italian-born French automobile designer and manufacturer, who founded Bugatti.

The French automotive company takes its blue branding from the national motor racing colors of France. The blue color was selected by the French motorsport team in 1904, after the British GP was moved to Ireland. At the 1903 British GP, the British chose to change the color of the standard black racing car that lined up in the field, to Green, in honor of their Irish hosts. Soon after the French team chose Blue, German's White, Belgians Yellow and the Italians Red.

First held in 2004, this year will be the 12th Edition of the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest. RMAF is considered the largest consumer high end audio show in North America. 

Aaudio Imports are recognized and widely respected in the US audio hierarchy for importing some of the finest audio products available. Only a cursory glance at the house brands will confirm this. Aaudio Imports will be demonstrating in room 4024, in a breath taking high end system built around the A.C.T. One Evolution P1 Ettore, partnered with Greek high end electronics from Ypsilon.

Full System Details:
Wilson Benesch A.C.T. One Evolution P1 'Ettore' Floorstanding Loudspeakers
Ypsilon Phaethon Integrated Amplifier
Ypsilon VPS-100 Valve Phono Stage
Ypsilon MC26L Step Up Transformer
Thales TTT Compact II Turntable
Thales Simplicity II Tonearm
Ikeda KAI MC Cartridge
Finite Elemente Pagode APS HiFi Rack
Stage III Speaker / Power / Interconnect & Phono Cables
HB Cable Design PowerSlave Marble Power Distributor

As normal, you can stay up to date with the tour and any new dates as they are added via our Facebook and Twitter accounts. Or for more images of the P1 Collection and other Wilson Benesch products in production, see our Instagram feed.

Round 7: Rocky Mountain Audio Fest, Denver, USA
Date: Friday 7th - Sunday 9th October 2016
Location: Denver Marriott Tech Centre, Denver, Colorado, USA
The event is ticketed. For more information please see the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest website.
To arrange a private demonstration of Wilson Benesch products please contact Aaudio Imports.

The P1 Collection: A Revolution in Carbon

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