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Home » B.M.C. » About Us » Phono Preamp
B.M.C.  Germany

B.M.C. Audio

B.M.C. is a new brand founded by highly experienced designers and managers, incorporating decades of accumulated knowledge and experience, developing exceptional gear with modular design and tasteful exterior for music lovers with the highest expectations and individualistic aims.

The high flexibility of B.M.C.'s modular design combined with beautiful contemporary appearance design offer interesting, partly individually configurable ready made units as well as a wide selection of components. This concept requires a closer relation between customer, retailer and manufacturer and thus a matching distribution idea.

The B.M.C. Team has a rock-solid base of innovative high-end audio technology, which regardless of musical taste is founded on in-depth research of electronic circuitry regarding the impact on the music reproduction.

The summary of decades of experience, technical and musical competence and the inspiration of a new powerful team is simply an inspiring creativity serving music-lovers and also opening a way for taking part in the future direction of development.

Your audio-dreams may come true!

Executive Board

Carlos Candeias
Owner, Managing Director, Founder
In 1986 while still studying electronic engineering at the Technical University in Berlin Carlos Candeias already founded the company Candeias Audio Electronics. Besides his own products and projects he did a lot of designs for a Japanese customer. Consequently, in 2001 he moved the company to China were the Candeias Electronics Co., Ltd. grew to an industrial style company with its own development and manufacturing, specialised in High-End audio electronics. Over the years a lot of exceptional technology has been created, grown mature and in the meantime set Milestones concerning music reproduction. (www.candeias.com)

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