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Ypsilon DAC 100

After an extensive auditioning period, the Ypsilon DAC 100 is, in my opinion, the most serious contender to emerge in the high-end DAC arena in recent years. In addition to employing the highest-grade components in an expertly engineered design, the Ypsilon also boasts of a fortified chassis worthy of industry accolades.  The sound of this DAC can only be described as exciting and extreme, and the user experience invigorating.

Dispensing with word mincing, I consider the Ypsilon DAC 100 the ultimate tube DAC to audition and invest in under $30,000.  Constantine Soo - editor - dagogo.com

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Dagogo 10/1/2010
Stage III Concepts Minotaur Power Cable

Minotaur power cables will enhance almost every performance aspect of your system. Increased video contrast and sharpness will make images practically holographic. This design represents the current limit for linear, silent and unrestricted power delivery for the best audio and video components.   

In comparison to almost all other power cords that I have auditioned, the Zyklop and Minotaur power cords represent significant gains in frequency extension, stage depth, retrieval of low-level detail, transparency, recreation of soundstage, noise, natural tonality and dynamics.  In addition, they have an uncanny ability to balance the instruments in a mix so that all receive attention but none predominates at the expense of the others.

Perhaps most importantly, it has the ability to draw you into the music and communicate the excitement of a live performance.

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Dagogo 9/24/2010
Ypsilon BC-1 Balanced Converter Trans...

The main purpose of a balanced converter transformer is to convert an unbalanced signal to a balanced one. For example, you may have a fully balanced system except for your source, and you’d like to run fully balanced throughout. This can be especially useful for long interconnect runs between components, where your cables can act like a giant antenna system. You can keep the noise to inaudible levels.

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Dagogo 11/1/2009
Ypsilon PST-100 MK2 Preamplifier

The PST 100’s tonal purity was great in either the passive or active mode, but on certain pieces of quiet and delicate music, notably with piano, flute, violin and clarinet, the passive mode produced an absolutely heavenly sound that made you feel as though the performer was in the room. 

I have to admit that the PST 100 demonstrates what “cutting edge” really means.

There is no disputing the fact that this is a preamp that stands at the pinnacle of sonic splendor.

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Dagogo 9/1/2009
Ypsilon CDT 100 & DAC 100 digital front-end

Ypsilon Electronics was founded in 1995 by two sound engineers. They each had experience in the field of the reproduction of live music. Maybe it’s their experience in live concerts along with their technical background that contributes to the truly high-end sound they have been able to build into their products.

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Dagogo 8/1/2009
Ypsilon SET 100 Hybrid Mono Amps

The Ypsilon transformed the Rockport’s behavior and in doing so, creating a sonic fabric that not even the folks at Rockport would have anticipated. The experience of listening to the Ypsilon constituted a re-education of my audio perspective. For there wasn’t much indication of a solid-state circuitry at work except when the sheer driving power began to exert its dominance over the Rockport that I felt dumbfounded and remembered I was listening to the only muscular SET-based solid-state amplification in the world.

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Dagogo 7/1/2009
Millennium CD Mat: Accessory of the Year

We played the same track again, this time with the CD mat. I asked her if she had heard any difference. She replied, Ohhhh yeah. BIG difference. Everything was bigger, wider and deeper, more spread out. The harp had so much more detail...I could hear her fingernails on the harp strings. Her voice was much more pure and emerged more from the background. Much more dimensional. The strings were less strident and more silky. I can't believe the sound was that much better!"

All I can tell you is that I will never play a CD again without the Millennium CD mat. It's that good”.

We were so impressed with the Millennium CD Mat that we have named it our 2008 Accessory of the Year.

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Stereo Mojo 6/7/2009
A.S.P. Reference Zyklop power cable

Zyklop power cables will enhance almost every performance aspect of your system. The increased video contrast and sharpness will make images practically holographic. This design represents the current limit for linear, silent and unrestricted power delivery for the best audio and video components. 

In comparison to almost all other power cords that I have auditioned, the Zyklop represents significant gains in frequency extension, stage depth, retrieval of low level detail, transparency, recreation of soundstage, noise, natural tonality and dynamics.

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Dagogo 6/1/2009
Audiotop Digital: mold release formula
So what does Audiotop Digital do?
There were three obvious characteristics of the “Digital’s” effects: a very obvious increase in clarity and transparency, much better separation of performers and instruments, and a deeper and somewhat wider soundstage.

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Dagogo 5/16/2009
Isoclean ICP-003S wall socket

The small details in the music are more obvious. The large movements are more impactful. The soundstage has opened up. The ambience reveals more of the recording venue. The rhythms are more alive. The background is quieter and I’m hearing parts of recordings I’ve not heard before.

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Dagogo 5/16/2009
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