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Audiotop Connect Workstation

What happens is unbelievable! The depth and the width of the sound, the entire room feeling changes completely. The fine tuning is amazing and most of all there is an improved flow in the music. Is it really the cleaning of the contacts that can show what your equipment can accomplish. I believe so because it is now possible to see into the different parts of the music while the entire music-happening is going on. Maybe this is best described as diffusion.

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Isoclean Super Focus Power Cable

With the Super Focus, the Luminance Audio-coupled Murata speakers rendered instruments of all variety with increased tonal substance and spatial definition, contributing to the dimensionality of instruments and realism of venue immensely.

The Isoclean Super Focus brought a most profound increase in dynamic competence and tonal articulation to the setup, prompting the Combak to propel the large speakers seemingly with twice as much drive and output energy.

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Dagogo 2/1/2007
Audiotop Connect Workstation

If you follow the instructions of the swiss producer, each contact is cleaned with three different detergents. The contacts need time to dry. Even so: the effort was worth its while. The background noise is almost completely gone, the details are now audible, I can enjoy many more details and the dynamics of the equipment have improved.

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IMAGE HIFI 5/31/2006
Audiotop VinylSet

The swiss company Audiotop has produced a series of cleaning detergents for hifi purposes. This company has been producing these industrial cleaning detergents for a long time and therefore has the necessary know how. The products are not just random mixtures of fluids, they are cleaning detergents that have been optimized for their specific purpose.

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AKTUELL 5/31/2006
Isoclean Focus Power Cable

The Isoclean Focus power cable forms a naturally complimentary synergy with the ICP-003G wall socket, feeding off higher quality juice from the polished AC contacts.  The extraordinarily nimble cable actually employs three, 6mm British copper for enhanced current delivery capability, and channels the electricity under triple layers of anti-static Nylon, further protected by vibration-damping and Radio Frequency-absorbing heavy-duty copper shields.

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Dagogo 4/1/2006
Isoclean ICP-003G Wall Socket
The ICP-003G represents a small investment for the very first step necessary to reaping benefits of past and future system tweaks and upgrades. Readers with technical competency are encouraged to install the ICP-003G and reap the years of benefits and faithful services to flow from this disappearing accessory that screams perfect sense.

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Dagogo 4/1/2006
Isoclean Audio Grade Fuses

How do they sound? 

In my system, the change from stock fuses to Isoclean was absolutely positive. The Isoclean mostly reduced distortion and grunge while tightening up imaging and improving the sense of placement. This kind of upgrade is so right that you accept the change as part of the music within a few minutes. It's very much like the benefit offered by a fine aftermarket power cord, but in miniature.

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Positive Feedback 11/1/2005
Isoclean Super Focus Power Cable

I used my review pair of Isoclean Super Focus power cords for both players. Their superiority was early established, I hated the idea of doing without.

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Ultra Audio 6/1/2005
Isoclean Audio Grade Fuses

While spending $25 for a fuse might seem ridiculous, when you hear what these gilded fuses do, you will consider this an outright steal. Most tweaks do make an audible difference but in many cases, not necessarily an improvement. With the Isoclean fuses, you definitely will observe enhanced performance. Highly recommended.

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6moons 5/1/2005
Truly Comprehensive Power Delivery Solutions

It's popular to talk about the need for comprehensive front-to-back power delivery solutions. But perhaps no firm has actually done more about this mandate than IsoClean. Besides power cords, isolation transformers, power strips, wall outlets and RCA shielding plugs, they even make a complete audiophile breaker box [see above] to replace the Lowe's special your electrician (or your landlord's) installed in your present abode a long time ago.

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6moons 2/1/2005
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